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Climate Activists

Climate Activists
2009 Coal Blockade of Newcastle Harbour


Monday, June 17, 2024

Students for Palestine protest at Sydney Uni is ordered to close

The Vice Chancellor has ordered pro-Palestine protestors calling for a ceasefire who have camped outside the University of Sydney quadrangle since April to leave.  Student leaders have vowed to continue their struggle in the coming semester. Above: Student protestor Tara stands defiantly by their encampment.

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Palestine Rally in Sydney's Domain and march through CBD

Thousands rallied at the Domain in Sydney then marched through the CBD to protest the 90 day bombing of Gaza by Israeli forces. Protestors heard speeches calling for an Israeli ceasefire after almost 30,000 Palestinians have been killed or gone missing with many more injured. The protest has continued every week for 13 weeks with crowds continuing to grow as casualties mount in occupied Palestine.

Saturday, January 14, 2023

The PARTY exhibition UNSW Galleries

The PARTY exhibition documenting the LGBTQI+ party culture of Sydney in the ’70s, ’80s and ’90s opened Saturday night 14th January 2023 at UNSW galleries as a prelude to the World Pride festival coming to Sydney in February.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Snap Protest held after Violent Arrest of Activist Danny Lim

A snap protest was held late today outside the Sydney Police Centre when local icon Danny Lim was hospitalised in a serious condition after being thrown to the ground by police. His alleged crime was failing to comply with a move-on direction. Danny Lim, almost 80 years old, was known for wearing sandwich boards calling for peace and an end to racism. Protestors were also demanding an end to discretionary move on powers, repeal of anti-protest laws that criminalise dissent and enable the over-policing of activists and an end to police investigating police with an independent body to investigate and prosecute police misconduct.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Getting Ready for World Pride 2023 Launch

With 100 days to go Sydney World Pride Day launches its program of events for 2023. Sydney World Pride will run from February 17th to March 5th 2023. 

                                          On the way to World Pride Day program launch in Bondi

Saturday, July 2, 2022

Birthday rally in Sydney for Julian Assange

Human rights supporters called for the release of Julian Assange founder of WikiLeaks at his birthday rally outside Sydney Town Hall and then moved on to Sydney Mechanics School of Arts for performances and speakers. “There was a litany of crimes exposed by the work of Julian Assange - except Julian Assange didn’t commit those crimes... Let’s unite in making the call to release Julian Assange and drop the charges. Let’s bring Julian home.” said Senator David Shoebridge at the event. #FreeJulianAssangeNow

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Vivid Sydney Festival 2022

Vivid Sydney is an annual 23 day festival offering a range of free night time light installations and public exhibitions. 

These photos were taken June 7th around Darling Harbour and below Walsh Bay near Sydney Harbour bridge.