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Climate Activists

Climate Activists
2009 Coal Blockade of Newcastle Harbour


Sunday, November 29, 2015

Climate Change Rally in the Domain, Sydney

Water quality activists and protectors of the Great Barrier Reef wait for the march for Climate 
 Above Dr Patricia Ranald of Aftinet seen with water conservationists and Artists Against the TPP at the Sydney Climate rally.

As world leaders gathered in Paris for the United Nations Climate Summit millions gathered across the world including in Sydney to protest climate change. More at

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Sydney is rated third most overpriced city in the world.

An abandoned shopping trolley in the inner west is used to comment on the housing crisis in Sydney. Housing affordability is a growing concern in New South Wales where homeless numbers have reached over 28000 according to Homelessness Australia

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Say No to Cashless Welfare protest in Sydney

Around 50 protestors rallied outside Sydney Town Hall to protest cashless welfare legislation being trialled in Indigenous communities. The legislation is opposed by disability rights advocates and Indigenous and anti-poverty activists.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Rally against WestConnex tollway in Martin Place

 Over 10,000 signatures were collected for a petition against the proposed Westconnex Tollway generating a debate in New South Wales parliament. After the debate protestors rallied in Martin Place, Sydney.